Twelfth Night
Awarded January 15, 2011 AS 45 (XLV)
October 27, 2010: This assignment has chocolate sprinkles and fairy dust.
November 18, 2010: Well I already have the words from this awesome word-smith and coincidentally they match the exemplar I've decided to use almost perfectly.
I'm excited about my exemplar too. I discovered it a few months back and have been waiting for something I can use it for. I feel that this project is a good fit.
Another thing I have decided to do with this project is to write documentation as I go so that it can be later used for A&S entries. Yes, I'm that excited about this project!
November 29, 2010: YAY! for four day weekends! I had planned not to work on any SCA projects until next weekend simply because I have been so busy with them off late. However, yesterday my muse seduced me and a few hours later I looked down to discover that I'd drawn the layout and design for most of this award.
I have to admit that the sizing layout took the longest as I wasn't sure how big or small I needed it to be. Then I wasn't happy with the ratios and started over. Eventually I had an epiphany and scaled up the exemplar that I am working from, still keeping it so that it will fit into a standard matting size. I'll be doing this from now on even if I do feel stupid for not thinking of this before!
I'm really happy with it so far, especially the little "look-see's" that I was able to fit in which are individual to the recipient. Now I have to do a little research and practice for a couple of things before I can sit down to complete this.
January 10, 2011: So this piece is being problematic. Not only does the calligraphy, in my opinion, look sub-par but small dots of paint are chipping every now and again, and small areas of the gold leaf size just doesn't want to adhere to the page. I'm actually finding it quite depressing as I feel like I'm ruining this piece. I know I'm probably over reacting but those that "know" will notice such things.All I can do is continue to patch it as neccessary.
On a brighter note, I love the actual design of the piece.
January 14, 2011: I have a few small things that I'm not happy with but otherwise I'm very happy with how this piece turned out.
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Jean Paul Ducasse (Order of the Silver Crescent) |
Calligraphy & Illumination by Isabel Chamberlaine. Inspired by this page in 'Tresample description de toute la Terre Saincte, et choses memorables faictes en plusieurs lieux et villes d'icelle extraicte de la Bible et livres Sainct Hierosme' held by the British Library and dated to the mid-16th century.
Paper: Heavyweight Pergamenata, 230gsm.
Materials: Fish glue, 23k patent gold leaf, aluminium leaf. Windsor & Newton Gouache of various colours, Sennelier shellac ink in Crimson.
Words by Mistress Alys Mackyntoich in the style of statutes of the Parliament of Henry VIII
Forasmuch as the East’s most Royal Majesty in the persons of Akbar III and Khadijah III hath heretofore set forth divers and sundry proclamations concerning the advancement of the Kingdom and good quiet of its people such that subjects of good character, noble bearing and worthy labors may be fitly, justly and properly rewarded by induction into the Order of the Silver Crescent; and forasmuch as Jean Paul Ducasse has, by his multiplicity of endeavors in service of the Crown and by increase of the good weal of the Kingdom, demonstrated himself to be deserving of such honors and privileges as are within the most ancient authorities and prerogatives of justice appertaining to the Crown of the East; and forasmuch as We, Gryffyth Rex, second of that name, and Aikaterine, our Queen, have taken counsel of the members of the aforesaid Order of the Silver Crescent and have adjudged the merits of our will according to their sage and trustworthy advice; therefore We do now of our especial grace, certain science and merest motion give, endow and assign to the said Jean Paul the ensigns and emblems of the Order of the Silver Crescent and decree and ordain that he shall bear the aforesaid in perpetuity hereafter. That these acts herein stated and ordained may remain forever valid we have caused this charter to be drawn and endorsed by the strength of our Royal signatures at Settmour Swamp upon the celebration of Twelfth Night, being also the feast of Saint Isidore, this 15th day of January A.S. XLV
Scroll ID: Isabel C XII
Completed January 2011
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